Nizhny Novgorod para-athletes brought 13 medals from the All-Russian competitions in Sochi More than 50 people Nizhny Novgorod took part in the All-Russian competitions in sports…
13 medals were won by Nizhny Novgorod para-athletes at all-Russian competitions Nizhny Novgorod para-athletes won 13 medals, including 4 gold, at the All-Russian orienteering competition among…
Nizhny Novgorod para-athletes won 13 медалей на всероссийских соревнованиях Нижегородские параспортсмены завоевали 13 медалей на Всероссийских соревнования по спортивному ориентированию, сообщили ИА «Время Н» в пресс-службе правительства Нижегородской области. В турнире за призовые…
Wheelchair users have checked the stairs at the entrance to the polyclinic No. 4 on Gaugel Street. For many years this staircase at the entrance to the polyclinic No. 4, on Gaugel Street an insurmountable obstacle…
Monitoring the availability of Nizhny Novgorod polyclinics “Invatur” Monitoring the availability of Nizhny Novgorod polyclinics “Active movement” Monitoring the availability of Nizhny Novgorod polyclinics…
Nizhny Novgorod team "Invatur" went to Sochi for the festival "Para-Art" C 5 by 11 October in Sochi, the Open Festival of Culture and Sports "Para-Art" for people…
In the Nizhny Novgorod region, it was decided to update the register of priority facilities for people with disabilities Accessible environment – not once created mothballed territory, but constantly changing. Which means,…
Near 70 параспортсменов участвовали в соревнованиях по бочча в Нижнем Новгороде Соревнования прошли на кортах дворца спорта «Заречье». Near 70 параспортсменов приняло участие в соревнованиях по паралимпийскому виду спорта бочча, past…
Comfortable, clean and smart stops are focused, usually, downtown. / Elena Gordeeva / Stand, afraid. year is also planned to update…
Monitoring of the accessibility of public transport for disabled people will take place in Nizhny Novgorod. Нижегородский омбудсмен и общественники проверят доступность пассажирского транспорта. Мониторинг доступности общественного транспорта для маломобильных граждан и людей…