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Category: Press

Мы много работаем для создания без барьерной среды, for comfortable living for people with disabilities in Nizhny Novgorod. Therefore, the press writes a lot about us.

NTV 03.09.2021

30 Nizhny Novgorod athletes and coaches were awarded a medal in honor of the 800th anniversary of the city It's not just athletes. They are known all over the world. Everyone has many awards in their piggy bank…

Nizhny Novgorod 3.09.2021

Нижегородских спортсменов и тренеров наградили юбилейной медалью в честь 800-летия города Глава Нижнего Новгорода Юрий Шалабаев вручил 30 famous Nizhny Novgorod athletes, eminent trainers and helping to develop…

Time 21.07.2021

Специалисты оценили доступность пляжа на Светлоярском озере для инвалидов-колясочников Там прошла специальная тренировка. Activists of NROOY "Invatur" 20 июля оценили доступность пляжа на озере Светлоярском в Нижнем Новгороде для инвалидов-колясочников,…

Nizhny Novgorod News 21.07.2021

Invatour activists assessed the accessibility of the beach on Lake Svetloyarskoye for people with disabilities 20 July on the Svetloyarskoye Lake in Nizhny Novgorod, the activists of the NROOI "Invatur" assessed the availability of the beach… 03.07.2021

Outbound camp "Center of Active Life" takes place on Bor A sudden downpour postpones the orienteering competition. The participants of the traveling camp "Center of Active Life" have the opportunity…
