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World child's day

United Nations 20 November 1959 the first Declaration of the Rights of the Child was adopted, which proclaimed the equal rights of children in the field of education, of education, spiritual and physical development, social security regardless of nationality, color, property status, public origin, etc.. In the same day, but in 1989 also adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child. That is why the date 20 November is considered the day, dedicated to all the children of the world.
Invatur traditionally participates in the Day of Legal Aid to Children, dedicated to this date. For parents of children with disabilities 18 November 2022 hot telephone line, but 19 On November, the lawyer of the organization Dmitry Balykin personally advised mothers, whose children are parasporting: wheelchair tennis. Questions related to housing affordability, provision of free medicines, meals in schools. A heated discussion was caused by the topic of paid parking in Nizhny Novgorod.
NROOI “Invatur” implements the project “Integral” within the framework of the subprogram "Support for socially oriented non-profit organizations in the Nizhny Novgorod region"
World child's day
