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In the Sports and Rehabilitation Camp, training for people with disabilities

Overcome barriers. Sports and rehabilitation camp for people with disabilities organized in the Nizhny Novgorod region – for the first time in 10 years old.

Project “Center for the active life” gathered participants from all over the region. Today they held an open training. What is taught in an unusual camp? And they play basketball in wheelchairs? Program correspondent “Lead the Volga Region” Vera Logunova увидела это своими глазами.

Stand up yourself after a fall – the first, what is taught here. Second – drive an active stroller, in which many sat for the first time, So, not to fall. Three workouts a day for an hour and a half, and the main barrier – fear – преодолен. Спустя неделю почти все уверенно держат баланс, standing on two wheels, and drive through obstacles. Trainers simulate familiar obstacles in the city – cool ramps, steps, tram rails.

20.07.18, GTRK Nizhny Novgorod
