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Администрация Нижнего Новгорода увеличит количество парковочных мест для горожан с ограниченными физическими возможностями. Об этом сообщает пресс-служба мэрии со ссылкой на замдиректора департамента транспорта Нину Бочарову.

In Nizhny Novgorod, the first visiting meeting of the working group on ensuring the conditions of accessibility of transport infrastructure for the disabled took place. Орган создан по распоряжению главы города Vladimir Panov. Meetings will be held at least once a quarter.

According to Bocharova, in the near future will be equipped with parking spaces for the disabled on the street. Zayarsky at the hospital № 35 and on the street. Bogorodsky at home number 15A. They will mark up and set up appropriate traffic signs. Also in the area of ​​special attention will be objects, on which there are appeals of citizens.

Chairman of NROOI "Invatur" Andrey Bulanov added, that in the future they will collect all the wishes of the members of the organization for arranging parking spaces. Proposals will be discussed at the next meeting of the working group.

In Nizhny Novgorod will increase the number of parking for the disabled
