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Will water transport become accessible?

On the initiative of the Nizhny Novgorod Transport Prosecutor's Office, an offsite working meeting of representatives of the Prosecutor's Office was held near the River Station building, Rospotrebnadzor and public associations of disabled people. The subject of discussion is the availability of water transport facilities for people with limited mobility.
The participants of the event came to a common opinion, that today this problem is on the agenda: no river station, berths are hard to reach even for people, not experiencing problems in movement, passenger ships of mostly outdated designs.
There is a general understanding of the need for change in this matter., joining efforts.
The transport prosecutor's office has always paid increased attention to the availability of air and rail transport facilities for people with limited mobility, actively cooperating with members of the public. Now on the agenda is water transport
NROOI "Invatur" is implementing the project "Accessible Environment - Freedom of Movement", supported by the Presidential Grants Fund.