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"Speed ​​of Thought"

"Speed ​​of Thought"

14 and 15 Trail-O competitions took place in the city of Dzerzhinsk in July.

Trail-O (Trail Orienteering) – sport, where the participants overcome during the control time (usually in a given sequence) distance, consisting of items, on each of which several prisms are located within sight (flags). Participants must identify and record, which of these prisms (flags) on the ground corresponds to the indicated point on the map and the given legend (possibly, and no).

The key elements of this type of orientation are detailed reading.

cards, eye detection and control of distance on the ground, the ability to accurately take the azimuth to the object, knowledge of work techniques at the checkpoint, as well as knowledge of conventional signs of sports maps and legends of checkpoints. In trail orienteering, maps are used with an enlarged scale and a terrain with a large number of roads and trails is selected, wheelchair accessible. Orienteering is a sport accessible to everyone, it enables athletes with disabilities to participate in competitions on an equal footing with all. Trail-O can be used in regular training to improve map skills and map reading accuracy, athletes of all types of orienteering.

In the “Open Championship and Championship of the Nizhny Novgorod Region in Trail-O

(accurate orientation) among athletes with PAD" was attended by athletes and coaches of the Nizhny Novgorod region and representatives of the regions. All interested before the competition 14 July we trained on a specially prepared training model distance, and then together took part in discussing decisions.

Athletes 14 July at the classic distance competition took place: 13 checkpoints (short – KP) and one Time-CP with two tasks, Where, walking along forest paths, solved many difficult problems. Even the heat and loose sand didn’t stop us from immersing ourselves in their solution..

15 July, the competition participants measured their speed of thought in making decisions, on three “Time-KP Stations” with four questions each. At the end, summed up the number of correct answers. If they were equal, priority was given to the smallest time spent in answering. At the closing of the competition, the winners were awarded certificates for two days, medals and prizes.

Traditionally, after each event there was a tea party, where the competition participants continued to discuss the distance covered and simply communicate with each other.

Competitions became possible thanks to the distance author: Blyakhman Anatoly Lvovich – coach of the Russian Paralympic orienteering team (g. Rostov-on-Don) and Antonova Irina Adolfovna – coach of the Paralympic team of the Southern Federal District in orienteering (g. Novocherkassk), support of the Ministry

sports of the Nizhny Novgorod region, Federation of Orienteering of the Nizhny Novgorod Region and the leadership of the NROO "INVATUR".
