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"It's not me" , "not with me", “God heal me and I...”, "useless- life is gone!», these are just some of the common thoughts of people who have suffered physical injury. from requests and pleas to denial and hatred. And how many relatives of people who are close to people who are seriously experiencing trauma are confused? , not knowing how to help and support them in this difficult psychological struggle.


Psychologists distinguish five stages of return

The first is a state of shock. From the outside the person seems quite calm – this is the body's defense, when the psyche seeks to suppress negative emotions. At this moment, the person does not yet fully understand and can adequately assess the situation in which he finds himself.

Usually after a shock a person experiences severe panic, fear, horror and, as a result, may lose interest in the world around him. Closes off emotionally from everything connected to him, what is related to reality.

No matter how cruel it sounds, this is a completely normal reaction.. A man needs time, to accept the situation as it is, realize everything that happened.

In order for the process of acceptance and awareness to occur as easily as possible, relatives should provide moral support to the person during this period. There is no need to keep silent or distract the victim from the negative. On the contrary, you need to let the person speak out, get over it emotionally, This is the only way that relief can come and the opportunity to move to a new level will arise..

The second stage is aggression, which accompanies awareness of what is happening. A person “takes it out” on everyone who is healthy :loved ones, doctors, friends and just everyone who is not like him. Aggression is an emotional outlet for a person’s mental experiences.. There are frequent cases when a person began to show aggression towards himself - at this moment there are frequent cases of suicide attempts.

Third - stage of bargaining with higher powers. Man's attempt to deceive fate, beg forgiveness from higher powers and return everything to the way it was before. Advice to relatives - at this stage the most important thing is not to deceive, even if the treatment is difficult and the results leave much to be desired. Try to get the person to fight for themselves. Explain to the victim, that everyone is doing their best and you need his help. Rejoice together even in the smallest successes.

The big mistake of loved ones is that, that they begin to avoid “difficult” topics. Trying to leave the person alone, thereby giving him a chance to “enjoy” his grief. Relatives should carefully assess the situation and, if symptoms of depression appear, immediately contact a specialist. Taking appropriate medications in time will stop the destruction of the psyche and allow the person to move to the next stage.

Back to life

Fifth and final

as soon as a person has experienced all four stages, an emotional rebirth occurs - balance and actual acceptance of oneself by a person in the form in which he is occurs. only through acceptance does a person return to a full life in which any goals can be achieved.
