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Understanding disability.

More 1 billion people, about 15% world population, have some form of disability. The number of people with disabilities is on the rise. It's related, in particular, with demographicsUnderstanding disability.trends and the increasing burden of chronic health problems. Almost everyone, in all probability, experiences some form of disability - temporary or permanent - at some point in their life. People with disabilities have limited access to all areas and sometimes to services.

Disability is not an attribute of the individual, rather, it is a complex set of conditions, many of which are created by the social environment. Psychological barriers will exist until then, while most people will pay attention to disability, not per person. But we live and change the world in which we live ourselves. It is necessary to share experiences. NROOI INVATUR cooperate with various people and organizations.

30 September, within the walls of the Nizhny Novgorod Volunteer Service, a very useful meeting with medical volunteers took place. Discussed and discussed the topic of etiquette of communication with people with disabilities. What categories can be divided into people with disabilities and how to help them if you are a volunteer or just a caring person.

Each of us has our own personality. Stay yourself!

