Menu Close – 28.06

28 июня в Нижегородской области открылся спортивно-реабилитационный лагерь по обучению активному пользованию инвалидной коляской. Об этом сообщает Нижегородская региональная общественная организация инвалидов «Инватур».

The program includes activities for comprehensive social rehabilitation, work with a psychologist, legal advice, also boccia classes, trail orienteering and laser biathlon on wheelchairs.

According to the organizers, participants will be able to learn to confidently and safely move in wheelchairs and overcome obstacles.

“I myself move in a wheelchair and I know, how important it is for an independent active life ", - said the director of the camp Anastasia Druzhinina.

It is noted, that the camp takes place on the territory of the sports base on Bor, built for the 2018 FIFA World Cup. There is everything you need to live and train wheelchair athletes. “We hope, that one of the guys, newcomers to the camp, will find himself in parasport ", - notes the deputy chairman of NROOI "Invatur" Ivan Konovalov.

Let's add, that the camp is held annually and was created within the framework of the project "School of Active Life" supported by the Presidential Grants Fund.

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