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10 days, that will transform your life!

Sports - rehabilitation camp for people with disabilities with dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system, пользующихся креслом-коляской проводится в рамках проекта “Mobilization”, supported by the Presidential Grants Fund

"Center for active life!" from 15 July to 24 July 2020 of the year.

Sports and rehabilitation camp "Center for the active life!» – This is a 10-day intensive course of practical and theoretical lessons for people, injured in the spine and spinal cord and therefore use a wheelchair.

The main teachers-teachers throughout the meeting are instructors, who move themselves in wheelchairs.

Participation in the camp is free!

10 days, that will transform your life!

The camp is selected 15 participants!

Sports and rehabilitation camp "Center for the active life"Is a complex of training and educational activities, aimed at obtaining practical skills for a fulfilling life in a wheelchair. В лагере участвует 15 wheelchair users, the experience of disability which does not matter, опытные инструктора и тренера, которые сами пользуются инвалидными колясками (метод «равный обучает равного») и волонтёры. The camp runs for 10 days, по завершению которых каждый из курсантов получает все необходимые знания и навыки по самостоятельной жизни в инвалидной коляске: навыки управления инвалидной коляской активного типа, навыки занятия физкультурой и спортом, basic legal and legal knowledge, новые и годами опробованные медицинские знания, self-service skills.

The most basic effect of being in a camp is that, что курсанты видят вживую положительные примеры полноценной жизни, общаются с паралимпийскими чемпионами, disabled businessmen, with people, which, being in a wheelchair, created (or saved) семью и родили ребёнка. Такое общение сильно вдохновляет и даёт положительный импульс для развития на многие годы вперёд. In humans, прошедших через реабилитационный лагерь, there is a reassessment of life positions, what stimulates them to live independently and people get a powerful emotional boost, what sets them up for an active lifestyle: get education, work, do business, sports, create families and raise children, expand your circle of communication, find new faithful friends!

We are waiting for you in our sports and rehabilitation camp "Center for the active life!" from 15 July to 24 July 2020 of the year.

10 days, that will transform your life!

If you are interested in this opportunity - download cadet questionnaire fill in and send to e-mail or by fax (831) 2270-123.

Additional questions by phone: 8-920-020-66-72 Druzhinina Anastasia.
