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Let's be stronger together

Форум Доноров и JTI Россия объявили 10 победителей грантового конкурса “Stronger together”

Support was received by the project NROOI "Invatur", aimed at approbation of the technology of complex social adaptation of people, recently disabled, and their families.

Grants totaling up to 800 received thousands of rubles for their main activities 10 non-profit organizations, developing an inclusive environment and working with vulnerable groups of adults.

Donata Koroletskaya, sustainability manager, JTI Russia: «In the face of a sharp increase in the burden on non-profit organizations during the crisis, JTI decided to direct additional investments to the institutional development of NPOs, to help organizations continue to support their target audiences, build up competencies, develop a resource base. We are glad to see among the winners as an NGO, working in several regions and able to widely replicate their practices, and small organizations, which are a valuable resource for the development of their territories».

“As our recent survey showed, 60% charitable sector professionals expect, that instability in their work will remain at least until the end of the year. In such conditions, any initiatives to support NGOs are important and significant.. However, those, which enable organizations not to develop new projects in uncertain conditions, but to be engaged in their main activity, – by, what do they do best. We are grateful to colleagues from JTI for this systematic forward-looking decision and hope, that donors will increasingly focus on supporting non-one-off projects, and organizations in general ", – отмечает Alexandra Boldyreva, Executive Director of the Donors Forum

List of winners:

  1. Красноярская региональная общественная организация свободного творчества AEROSTAT (Krasnoyarsk region) approbation of the service of accompanied employment in the open labor market for 9 wards with severe developmental disorders. Trained specialists will create an escort program for each participant, and then they will embody it, also supporting employers, parents, achieving full and comfortable adaptation of a person with a disability into the work process.
  2. Autonomous Non-Profit Integration Services Organization, реабилитации и социально адаптационной помощи инвалидам и людям с ограниченными возможностями здоровья "Rehabilitation Center" (Lipetsk region) project development “Training center”, providing rehabilitation and restorative and sports activities for persons with impairments of the musculoskeletal system.
  3. Благотворительный фонд содействия образованию детей-сирот "Big change" (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Perm Territory, Moscow, Novosibirsk region) educational campaign (magazine, fundraising campaign and flash mob) to raise awareness and involve individuals in solving the problem of social adaptation of young people with experience of orphanhood older 18 years old.
  4. Петербургский благотворительный фонд культуры и искусства «PRO ARTE» (St. Petersburg)program “Inclusive museum laboratory”, in which blind and visually impaired participants will explore the museum's collection and develop a special excursion route – inclusive performance excursion.
  5. Благотворительный фонд "ZAKYAT" (Republic of Tatarstan) “Center for short-term stay for people with disabilities”, where are people with 18 to 40 years with cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, autism, mental disorders, etc.. will attend classes on the development of communication skills, social and household and orientation, vocational guidance and manual labor, musically- and dance therapy, etc..
  6. Charitable Foundation for the Elderly and Disabled «Старость в радость» (Altai region, Bryansk, Omsk region, Moscow) creation of internally boarding schools for elderly volunteer teams, who will organize leisure activities and help for other residents.
  7. Fund for the Promotion of Equal Opportunities "Open Doors" (Nizhny Novgorod Region) development of the project "House of Amazing People": pottery and carpentry production workshops, where are the disabled – wards of the foundation – will be able, with the support of tutors, to undergo social and labor rehabilitation.
  8. Автономная некоммерческая организация Агентство социальных услуг "Sami" (Perm Territory) – development of individual programs for the development of communication skills and accompanied employment for young people with disabilities, who switched to accompanied accommodation.
  9. Фонд развития социальной сферы "Assistance" (Irkutsk region) training for people with disabilities, have no medical contraindications, service professions “Master in repair and manufacture of garments”, “The hairdresser”, “Manicurist” and “Gift manufacturer”, organized on the basis of training and production workshops for the disabled.
  10. Nizhny Novgorod regional public organization cultural, social and labor rehabilitation of disabled support workers and wheelchair users Invatur (Nizhny Novgorod Region) – approbation of technology for early social adaptation of people, disabled, and their families: psychological and legal assistance, assistance in obtaining and mastering technical means of rehabilitation.

In total, before participation in the competition, 265 applications. The evaluation was carried out by the members of the jury of the competition – Oleg Smolin, State Duma deputy, Vice President of the Russian Paralympic Committee, Vice President of the All-Russian Society of the Blind, Yuri Blagov, Director of the Center for Corporate Social Responsibility named after. PricewaterhouseCoopers, Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg State University, Владимир Вайнер, Director of the Gladway Foundation for the Development of Media Projects and Social Programs, Inna Shirshova, head of the program "Inclusive Environment" BF “Contribution to the future”, Tatiana Konstantinova, member of the Board of the Charity Assembly “Together”, Elena Malitskaya, President of the interregional public fund "Siberian Center for Support of Public Initiatives", Tatiana Burmistrova, Chairman of the Governing Board, co-founder of the foundation “Towards change” etc.

The presentation of the results has passed 08 april 2021 g. в рамках дискуссии “From inclusion to accessibility, equality and inclusion”, organized by the Donors Forum with information support + 1 Platform.

Details of the competition:

For reference:

Association of Granting Organizations "Forum of Donors" — объединение крупнейших благотворительных, donor organizations, working in Russia. This is the only organization, which brings together more 50 largest corporate and private funds, as well as socially responsible companies, at the system level implementing social programs and projects. Among the largest projects of the Donors Forum Annual Philanthropic Conference; Competition "Leaders of Corporate Charity"; photo story competition and exhibition “OBJECTIVE charity”; competition of public annual reports “Starting point”; database – Repository of best practices in philanthropy; large-scale sector studies, sentiment monitoring “Барометр Форума Доноров”, Доклад о состоянии благотворительности в России; а также экспертиза законодательства, регулирующего благотворительную деятельность; consultations, исследования, регулярные встречи и семинары для донорского сообщества и многое другое.

Компания JTI (Japan Tobacco International), входящая в состав группы компаний Japan Tobacco, – ведущий международный производитель табачной продукции и продуктов с потенциалом сниженного риска со штабквартирой в Женеве, Switzerland. Компания ведет деятельность в 130 countries of the world, в ее офисах работает около 45 000 employees. IN 2021 году JTI в седьмой раз подряд была признана одним из лучших работодателей в мире и работодателем номер один в России по условиям труда и возможностям для развития сотрудников, согласно оценке международного института Top Employers Institute.

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