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Changes discussed, вносимые в Свод правил СП 59.13330.2016 «Доступность зданий и сооружений для маломобильных групп населения» Актуализированная редакция SNiP 35-01-2001.

In the current edition, clause 7.1.6 sounds like this:

7.1.6. The width of the door leaf to the apartment and the balcony door should be at least 0,9 m.

The width of the doorway in the sanitary and hygienic premises of residential buildings and the width of the interior doors in the apartment should be taken at least 0,8 m.


7.1.6. The width of the door leaf to the apartment should be at least 0,9 m.

The width of the doorway in sanitary and hygienic premises and the width of interior doors in apartments for disabled people in a wheelchair should be taken at least 0,8 m.

We have sent an appeal to the Minister of Construction of the Russian Federation about, that these changes are contrary to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and federal law.

1) В настоящее время актуальной является проблема обеспечения условий доступности для инвалидов жилых помещений в многоквартирных домах, commissioned after 01.07.2016 of the year.

By order Министерства строительства и жилищно-коммунального хозяйства РФ от 14.11.2016 g. № 798/пр утвержден Свод правил СП 59.13330.2016 «Доступность зданий и сооружений для маломобильных групп населения» Актуализированная редакция SNiP 35-01-2001.

In accordance with the List of National Standards and Codes of Practice, as a result of which, on a mandatory basis, compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures", approved. By the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation from 4 July 2020 g. № 985 (comes into force 01.08.2020 g.) mandatory application is subject to, including section 7 (except for the second and third paragraphs 7.1.7, the second paragraph 7.2.2) JV Code of Practice 59.13330.2016.

In accordance with the draft Amendments No. 1 to SP 59.13330.2016 "SNiP 35-01-2001 Accessibility of buildings and structures for people with limited mobility "it is proposed to make changes, including to section 7 JV Code of Practice 59.13330.2016, namely paragraph 7.1.6.

Analyzing the proposed changes, it should be concluded, what they boil down to, so that among all living quarters (housing stock) to allocate a separate group of living quarters "for disabled people in a wheelchair" and apply the rules on ensuring accessibility exclusively to them, while ignoring the peremptory norms of law on ensuring the accessibility of all housing facilities without exception (living quarters).

We count, что предложенные изменения противоречат Конвенции о правах инвалидов и current federal legislation.

2) Ратифицированная Российской Федерацией и являющаяся составной частью ее правовой системы в силу статьи 15 Constitution of the Russian Federation Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (adopted by the UN General Assembly 13 December 2006 of the year) признает за инвалидами право на достаточный жизненный уровень и социальную защиту, and also imposes on the state the obligation to ensure that such persons are able to fully exercise all human rights and fundamental freedoms on an equal basis with others.

According to h. 2 and 3 Art. 5 The convention States parties prohibit any discrimination based on disability and guarantee persons with disabilities equal and effective legal protection against discrimination on any grounds.

Discrimination on the basis of disability means any difference, exclusion or limitation due to disability, the purpose or effect of which is to diminish or deny recognition, realization or exercise on an equal basis with others of all human rights and fundamental freedoms in political, economic, social, cultural, civil or any other area. It includes all forms of discrimination, в том числе отказ в разумном приспособлении (Art. 2 The convention).

Несоблюдение при проектировании и строительстве многоквартирных домов требований об обеспечении инвалидам (including people with disabilities, using wheelchairs) условий для беспрепятственного использования всего жилищного фонда (all living quarters) is a violation of current legislation, and also constitutes discrimination based on disability, in particular discrimination against people with disabilities, using wheelchairs.

В соответствии со Art. 19 The convention States – The Parties to this Convention recognize the equal right of all persons with disabilities to live in their usual places of residence, with equal choices with other people, and take effective and appropriate measures to, to promote the full realization of this right by persons with disabilities and their full inclusion and involvement in the local community, including providing, so that:

  1. a) disabled people had the opportunity to choose their place of residence on an equal basis with other people and then, where and with whom to live,and were not required to live in any specific housing conditions.

According to h. 4 Art. 15 Constitution of the Russian Federation общепризнанные принципы и нормы международного права и международные договоры Российской Федерации являются составной частью ее правовой системы. If an international treaty of the Russian Federation establishes other rules, than prescribed by law, then the rules of the international treaty apply.

Thus, the proposed changes are contrary to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and cannot be adopted.

3) Из содержания h. 5 Art. 15 Federal law from 24.11.1995 No. 181-FZ "On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation" should, that the planning and development of cities, other localities, formation of residential and recreational areas, development of design solutions for new construction and reconstruction of buildings, structures and their complexes without the adaptation of these objects for unhindered access to them by disabled people and their use by disabled people are not allowed.

Закрепляющие названные обязанности положения Art. 15 Federal law from 24.11.1995 № 181-ФЗ are general, specification of these provisions, in particular in the legislation on urban planning, technical regulation, determines the activities of public authorities, local governments, other organizations in this area. One of the means of concretizing these provisions of the law is the normative consolidation of the requirement for the accessibility of buildings and structures - social and other facilities., которое вытекает из положений Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation (articles 2, 48, 51) and Federal law from 30.12.2009 g. No. 384-FZ "Technical regulations on the safety of buildings and structures" (articles 3, 8, 12, 15, 30).

В соответствии с указанными положениями Civil Code of the Russian Federation and Federal Law of 30.12.2009 g. № 384-FZ проектная документация должна содержать исчерпывающие архитектурные, functional and technological, constructive, engineering solutions and activities, aimed at ensuring compliance with the requirements for ensuring the accessibility of housing facilities for persons with disabilities (residential premises in apartment buildings).

According to h. 1 Art. 19 LCD RF жилищный фонд – это совокупность всех жилых помещений, located on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Residential premises are considered isolated premises., которое является недвижимым имуществом и пригодно для постоянного проживания граждан (h. 2 Art. 15 LCD RF).

Living quarters include: House, part of a residential building; flat, part of the apartment; комната (h. 1 Art. 16 LCD RF).

Hence, when designing and constructing a residential building, it is imperative to provide conditions for the life of people with limited mobility, site availability, buildings and living quarters for all categories of disabled people, including those using wheelchairs.

Thus, предложенные изменения are contrary to federal law and cannot be adopted.

NROOI "Invatur" is implementing the project "Accessible Environment - Freedom of Movement", supported by the Presidential Grants Fund.
