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"I'm disabled, and they don't hire me.". Nizhny Novgorod girl despaired of the indifference of people

A young Nizhny Novgorod woman tried to get a job for several months. But, despite higher education, she was rejected everywhere, even at the employment office. We figured out why.

In the Nizhny Novgorod region live 290,1 thousands of people with disabilities, of them of working age 67,8 thousands
In the Nizhny Novgorod region live 290,1 thousands of people with disabilities, of them of working age 67,8 thousands

Hope 23 of the year. She is disabled - she has cerebral palsy, truth, in a fairly easy way. The girl successfully graduated from high school and Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, Faculty of Economics and Entrepreneurship. She is a pretty girl, and only an unsteady gait speaks of pathology. Hope finds it hard to go up and down stairs. And now for several months she has been trying and cannot find a job..

She spent her childhood in Dzerzhinsk, but recently moved to Nizhny Novgorod and started looking for a job. From that moment the problems started..

- I was told at school: "Find something you love, why would you go anywhere else to study?”, - the girl told NN.RU. - I wanted to learn, get a profession, work among people. My job search story started with regular websites. Dealt with several companies, spoke honestly about her problem. As a result, they never called me back..

Nadezhda really wants to live and work actively
Nadezhda really wants to live and work actively

When I get invited for interviews, at the end of the conversation I always ask, Can a person with a disability be hired?. I explain, that it is difficult for me to walk up the stairs, but I move on my own.

At first they told me: “We will check with the management and call back” or, that there is no elevator in their office centers. And just say goodbye. And no one else from this company calls me.

One girl even asked, how big is my problem. I honestly told her, “Yes., I see". I have a specific gait. She apologized and refused.

I have read about this attitude on the internet.. Children with disabilities directly wrote, what they were told - they spoil the aesthetic component of the company.

As a result, Hope realized, that the job search is delayed, and decided to contact the employment service.

Attempt to find help at the Employment Center failed

— The visit to the Employment Service did not take much time, — said Nadezhda. - They just told me: "We can't help". Then the inspector said, what if you register, then you can get help, in my case this amount was 1500 rubles. But when receiving benefits from my social pension will be deducted 2000 rubles. My situation is not unique. I just decided to talk about it.

The situation was commented on by the Department of Labor and Employment of the Nizhny Novgorod Region.

January-March 2019 years, the employment service was contacted 783 disabled. Employed 551 disabled. The level of employment was 70,4%. Job Center Information.

- We have now introduced a system of accompaniment of people with disabilities in employment, - reported from the Job Center. The professional consultant of the employment center helps citizens overcome inner fear and self-doubt and their abilities, increase their work motivation.

According to his staff, disabled people are offered career guidance classes, psychological adaptation and social support.

Many of these people are really socially closed.. Their way of life, especially at a young age, does not allow them to freely communicate with people, present yourself to the employer. And if this is really taught by employment service workers, it would be nice to use it.

- As practice shows, Employment of disabled people is complicated not only by their limited physical abilities, but also self-doubt, loss of professional skills, - recognized at the Employment Center. — In conditions of high competition in the labor market, people with disabilities experience difficulties in finding suitable work, and the help of the employment service is especially necessary for them.

Accessible environment is really not everywhere
Accessible environment is really not everywhere

But at the same time, employment specialists also attribute some of the problems to the Soviet past.: five-story building without an elevator, transport and workplaces not equipped for the disabled, inaccessibility of many social facilities, lack of special mobile vehicles, i.e. social taxis, and high fares.

There are companies, and we are ready to help find them

Svetlana Kupolova from Nizhny Novgorod knows firsthand about the problem of employment of the disabled. She herself has been in a wheelchair for many years after a car accident.. But she did not give up and actively works in the public organization "Invatur" and is engaged in the employment of people with disabilities. She also commented on the situation of our reader.

An active position in life - and a disabled person can do not only work, but also sports
An active position in life - and a disabled person can do not only work, but also sports

- Not a fact, that it is precisely because of a disability that a girl is not hired, - says Svetlana. — It’s not the first year that I’ve been helping people with disabilities find employment and I’m faced with the unavailability of employment as employers, as well as the disabled.

We need to understand more than just the person with a disability, who has not yet had work experience and is scared, but also the employer, who is equally afraid to hire a person with disabilities. Because he doesn't know, whether such an employee will cope with his duties, will not be constantly on sick leave, will find a common language with the team.

The employer does not know, How can this employee be fired?, whether he will have legal problems and so on. In such cases, I recommend the employer to take a person with a disability for an internship, у которой есть определенные временные рамки. Если в процессе стажировки такой сотрудник не справится со своими профессиональными обязанностями, его не придется увольнять, с ним просто не заключат договор.

Стажировка никого ни к чему не обязывает, она может быть оплачиваемой и неоплачиваемой. Для работодателя это определенные гарантии, что потом не будет проблем.

Что же для соискателя с инвалидностью дает такая стажировка? Светлана считает — многое.

— Это профессиональный опыт, recommendations, обучение и начало профессиональной карьеры, — говорит Светлана Куполова. — Многие работодатели принимают на работу людей с инвалидностью. Девушка может обратиться к нам в организацию (NGO "Invatur") в отдел по трудоустройству, и думаю, что мы сможем ей помочь в трудоустройстве.

By the way, onсайте «Инватура» есть вакансии для таких людей, как Надежда.

По данным пенсионного фонда, в Нижегородской области проживают 290,1 thousands of people with disabilities, of them of working age 67,8 thousands.
