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In Makaryevo with a breeze!

Эксперты по доступности из Нижнего Новгорода Дмитрий и Ирина Балыкины 18 июня отправились на Валдае в Свято-Троицкий Макарьевский Желтоводский монастырь. Прогулка состоялась в рамках проекта ‘Доступно. Hospitably”, поддержанного командойНижний 800”.

Дмитрий не видит, а Ирина имеет остаток зрения. They are, где бы ни бывали, невольно обращают внимания на доступность тех или иных мест, включая туристические, for people with disabilities.

Они поделились нами своими впечатлениями о прогулке по горячим следам, что называется.

Место интересное и живописное. О нём чуть позже, and now a few words about Valdai itself. He sails from berth number 8 River Station. What to say? Wheelchair access, for example, to the ship itself is very difficult, because there is no ramp,- says Irina. -Yes, there is a bridge, – clarifies Dmitry, – but for the blind it is inconvenient: bulging wooden beams. Есть шанс споткнуться. Нужно идти с осторожностью.

Interior is cozy, comfortable chairs, good view from windows, include air conditioning, but going down to the salon is traumatic. Steep stairs and almost no handrails. Only in the middle on the right side. Coming down in tension. It makes everyone uncomfortable: both blind and sighted people, not to mention people with problems of the musculoskeletal system.

– Toilet is not bad, but I was touched by a badge on the door “disabled”. Question: how to get there for a person in a wheelchair? – Irina is surprised.
-To her, and the flush button is not clear where. I didn't find her, -shares Dmitry.

Arrived in Makaryevo.
The monastery is picturesquely located on the banks of the Volga. Previously, between the Volga and the monastery there was Lake Zheltoe, hence the name. Later, the river changed its course and swallowed up the lake..
The monastery was founded in 1435 year monk Macarius, who was later canonized. The monastery was originally made of wood., however, the Makarievskaya fair located near it brought significant profit to the monastery, and in the second half 17 century, it became possible to start stone construction. Now Makaryevsky Monastery is an active women's monastery..

On its territory are located the Holy – Trinity Cathedral, Church of St. Michael the Archangel, Assumption Church with a bell tower and a refectory, Macarius Church, where are the relics of Macarius.

I want to note, that just like that you can’t go to the church. Or come to work, or take a tour. She is held in 11 Archpriest Vladimir Shchanov.

He spoke rather amusingly about the monastery, his history and how he himself came to Orthodoxy.

– You know, his story was so alive, boring, time flew by with him, -Irina remembers. It's time to leave, more precisely, sail back to Nizhny Novgorod, but didn't want to! Stay here for an hour.
