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15 september. Check-in and acquaintance.

16-18 September are very busy days, learned to get on balance, to ride, holding it… also jumped and descended the obstacle and drove through the snake
A start!
And in the evenings we played mafia, held various contests, KVN game. In which took part 3 commands – The room, no brakes, Aibolit. Aibolit team became the winner. Было очень интересно и весело!


18 September Everyone's favorite coach Nikolai, surrounded by his students – participants of the rehabilitation camp “Center for the active life”. (From left to right: Helen, Ekaterina Lyubov)CENTER FOR ACTIVE LIFE - A diary

19 september 10 cadets of the sports and rehabilitation camp “Center for the active life” took part in the race “Cross nation 2020” on the Rowing channel g. Nizhny Novgorod.

After lunch, at the stadium Nizhny Novgorod. Rooted for our team. And for good reason, Olympian (Nizhny Novgorod) defeated Shinnik (Yaroslavl) with the account 3-0
Shl: I'll tell you a secret, before the game, for several days the Olympian footballers lived with us in “By throw” and every day cadets, and part-time fans, could watch their training, meet in the lobby and throughout the Sports Complex.

А вечером ребята разрисовывали свои футболки красками по ткани. These inscriptions will not wash off and will remain for a long memory.

20- 21 September training, training and training again. Ребята учились, just fall and rise.
A life, consists not only of ups, BUT and falls, when you need to quickly group and fall correctly, to rise again later! Overcome your fear and deal with difficulties.
Many thanks to our guys volunteers.

22 September Camp participants “The center of active life was annealed in an unusual workout. Zumba – did not leave indifferent even our volunteers.
(Filming with a hidden camera)

In between workouts, the guys try all kinds of sports. Will you think, where does the virtual reality helmet, because Andrei just sits and watches the video. You're right, but it's not watching TV, everything is different there. He is currently riding a roller coaster and holds on tightly to his trolley, trying not to fall out of it, maneuvers on turns, feels overloaded. Although for us nothing happens.
In the photo: Andrey Shalaginov

Keen eye, accuracy, endurance and high-spirited “horse”, all ,what you need for wheelchair laser biathlon.
Apart from breathing technique.

Guys in between trainings. Great company.

Sergei's strong hands, pick up in time and won't let you fall.
Katya works out the technique of descending the stairs on the simulator . Volunteer Sergey helps her.

Cyril does not hold Elena, but at the same time completely controls the situation.
Elena is practicing the technique of moving through the rails. Volunteer Kirill helps her.

24 September Camp participants “Center for the active life” today were on excursions in the historical part of Nizhny Novgorod.
pictured with a goat: Natalia Rumyantseva g. Sovetsk, Kaliningrad region. Svetlana Konyukhova Oryol region.
in a group photo: Dmitry Zanegin g. Sovetsk Kaliningrad region. Andrey Bykov Orekhovo-Zuevo Moscow Region.

Outdoor exercise.

In the evening we have a sauna:

23 Сентября Стритт-бол. Сегодня в Спортивно-реабилитационном лагере “Center for the active life” street ball competitions were held among camp participants. The guys were divided into 3 commands. The seats were distributed as follows:

1 a place – command “Beetles”.
Dmitry Kuzin, Dmitry Zanegin, Elena Novikova.
2 a place – command “Skulls”.
Konyukhova Svetlana, Toporov Yuri, Podkustov Nikolai, Orlov Evgeniy (came out on replacement)
3 a place – command “TriGada”.
Voronin Danila, Banturova Love, Novikova Ekaterina.

25 September Soon the guys will go home and, in addition to the skills and abilities acquired in the rehabilitation camp “Center for the active life” they will take with them pleasant impressions, new acquaintances and of course cool photos. Photoshoot for Lyuba Banturova.

Zumba – for all!
Evening classes.
Rehabilitation camp “Center for the active life” – 2020

Danila in training.
Assessment – 5+
Rehabilitation camp “Center for the active life” – 2020 SC “Борский”
in the photo: Danila Voronin. Arzamas

In the evening, the guys are preparing a photo zone for tomorrow's farewell evening.
Each of the cadets took part and contributed to the creation of the photo zone. Creative, creative, talented, it's all about them!

Our sports and rehabilitation camp is coming to the end “Center for the active life” for people using wheelchairs. 12 days flew by, as an instant Today is the final farewell day. The participants are sad and even the volunteers are not happy(((
Guys, we will miss you too.
But we still have a grand closing and an exciting evening ahead., halo concert and rewarding.
In the photo: volunteers Zhenya and Sergey. CENTER FOR ACTIVE LIFE - A diary

26 September Awards, photo session and feast, camp closure.

Well friends – farewell evening.
And to part tomorrow for us.
How interesting it was,
Will tell many Instagram.
We are this Center of Active Life
Of course we will remember.
Charging our ,training,
Attempts “Zumba” dance!
Happy laugh on KWen
Brush drawings in fist)
And a memorable race on Race Day
With protection mask on the face.
We learned balance here,
It's easy to drive down the ramp.
And don't be afraid to even fall.
And if you really fell to get up!
All who are active with us,
Kursk, Arzamas, Eagle, Kaliningrad
People from many cities of Russia
I am glad to meet a sports camp!

poems Andrey Shalaginov
