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Трейл-О в Нижнем Новгороде

24 August in Nizhny Novgorod will be the competition "Trail-O".

FROM 10:00 to 14:00 24 August 2024 года состоится «Чемпионат города Нижнего Новгорода по спорту лиц с ПОДА по Трейл-О (orienteering-precise orienteering)» в городе Нижний Новгород по адресу: g. Nizhny Novgorod, "Sormovsky Park" (registration and opening of starts on the site between the shooting range and the cafe fast food, Engels 31 k1).


10:00–10:45 Registration of participants, work of the admission committee

10:00–10:40 Model start

10:45–11:00 Opening ceremony of the competition

11:05–13:20 Start. Личные соревнования – классическая дистанция (accurate orientation distance)

13:20–13:45 Summarizing

13:45–14:00 Award ceremony for winners and prize-winners

Trail-O (Trail Orienteering). sport, where the participants overcome during the control time (usually in a given sequence) distance, consisting of items, on each of which several prisms are located within sight (flags). Participants must identify and record, which of these prisms (flags) on the ground corresponds to the indicated on the map and the given legend (possibly, and no).

Этот вид спорта даёт даже самым слабым спортсменам возможность думать, reason, analyze, to plan, combine, draw conclusions, develop thinking and strategy of action, ability to fight for prizes, temper your athletic character and become a gold medalist in your life.

Автор дистанции: Dulatov Alexander Rafaelevich (Dzerzhinsk)

The application is sent to the email address: e-mail: и продублировать на e-mail: в срок не позднее до 21:00 23 August 2024 g. (with a note in the header of the letter "Application for Tr-O").

Гл. судья: Dulatov Alexander Rafaelevich 8-987-536-49-07

expense. tel.: 8-950-602-49-36 Ivan Konovalov.


Положение Чемпионат города НН- accurate orientation

пресс-релиз 24.08.2024.docx
