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With beads on "you"!

Svetlana Potylitsyna confesses, that she likes beading so much, what inspires and does not let you get bored.

– I wanted to do something, what will be beautiful. Постепенно начала искать занятие по душе. I decided to try to make something from beads. It got me so caught up!

So Svetlana, with the help of needlework, is now a master, anyone can teach. Creates gizmos, which no one has, heartily gives to his family and friends.

This girl with a radiant smile does not give the impression of a downhearted person.. A piece of heat is also invested in her products., good and positive.

-When I found out about the competition Nizhny Novgorod Artel of Masters, I decided to take part in it, to share beauty with people.

Still through creativity, – and needlework creativity!- people express themselves. You know, thanks to the competition Nizhny Novgorod Artel of Masters, we saw so many original things and people willingly shared them: someone sent their photos with products, someone brought to our office for an exhibition. It pleased!
#invatur #competition #TO US #integral
