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Came to an amazing team

At the end of December 2022 Invatur and the Central Bank signed an agreement on the lease of jobs for people with disabilities. Under this agreement, several people came to work with us. We will tell you about them. Today we will introduce you to Ksenia Ilyina.

young, energetic girl moved with her husband to Nizhny Novgorod six years ago. Both have disabilities, but, when you talk to them, you don't notice it at all. They are both active, do not like to sit idle.

IN 2017 Ksenia graduated from the Mikhailovsky Boarding College of Economics in the Ryazan Region.

– I'm being honest, I wanted to connect my professional life with medicine, but, as the saying goes, it's not meant to be, – says Ksenia. Entered to study as an economist-tax accountant. During my studies, I actively participated in college sports activities., fond of sports since childhood. I haven't given up sports yet.. At Invatur events I also compete in laser parabiathlon, and play outdoor curling.
The girl does not miss the opportunity to tickle the nerves and extreme. Repeatedly made skydiving.

– I am for any interesting business, except for the hunger strike! Ksenia laughs.. Not, certainly, I'm crazy about extreme, but I love adrenaline.

It is worth noting, that Ksenia helped the guys in the organization of Invatur as a volunteer for a couple of years, and already in January of this year, she officially joined the team as an assistant accountant.

-Helping me was not at all a burden., – shares Ksenia. Did it with pleasure. You know, when i came here, I knew right away that I wanted to work here.. Now I'm officially on the team, and I'm very happy about it. Hope, that I will be useful to everyone!
