As part of the development of Paralympic and non-Paralympic sports in the Nizhny Novgorod region on the basis of the Magnetic Arrow Orienteering Club, trail orienteering training is…
Conducted a set of classes parathekvando(sports FLOOR) boys and girls, and tetenek and uncles with impaired musculoskeletal apparata.V priority – нарушения связанные с руками,…
Disabled persons and persons with disabilities invited to free training at the Federal College “St. Michael's College of Economics boarding” Минтруда России. Полная безбарьерная среда. У нас учатся люди с 46…
The project "Inclusive triathlon", presented NROOI "Invatur" contest "Formula good deeds", defeated in the direction of "Sport and healthy lifestyle". In the plans of the project training and competition…
№ Name of sporting events Dates of mass events Place of mass events Number of athletes participating in sporting events 1 Competition…
Prioksky N.Novgoroda.Rabota district office with 8:00 to 17:00Responsibilities Work with dokumentami.Trebovaniya. IN, desirable legal, social, педагогическое.без нарушений зрения, слуха и речи.з/п 20000 –…
Advisor to the Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, founder of the charitable foundation "Faith" Nyuta Federmesser arrived in Nizhny Novgorod, чтобы встретиться с представителями региональных НКО. На встрече 31 января 2020…
Konovalov Ivan Aleksandrovich is an amateur and athlete of orienteering among persons with impairment of the musculoskeletal system. Engages in orienteering along paths with 2014 of the year. Участвует в различных российских…
Trail-O (orienteering). sport, where the participants overcome during the control time (usually in a given sequence) distance, consisting of items, на каждом из которых в пределах видимости…
Щельцын Михаил Владимирович является спортсменом-шашистом. Has been playing checkers since the late 1990s. Несколько лет подряд участвовал в различных российских и региональных соревнованиях и фестивалях, occupied places…