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Results of the grant competition

The project "Inclusive triathlon", presented NROOI "Invatur" contest "Formula good deeds", defeated in the direction of "Sport and healthy lifestyle". The project plans include training and competitions for inclusive basketball teams, biathlon and orienteering.

7 February, The Dzerzhinsk administration hosted a diploma presentation ceremony for the winners of the fifth competition of socially significant projects, held by SIBUR as part of its corporate charity program “Formula of good deeds”.

The solemn event was attended by the first deputy head of the administration of Dzerzhinsk Andreev Gleb Igorevich, General Director of the Dzerzhinsk site of SIBUR Mikhail Dmitrievich Kuvshinnikov, heads and representatives of public and budgetary organizations, who got the opportunity to implement their projects in 2020 year.

SIBUR announced the results of the fifth competition of socially significant projects within the framework of the “Formula of Good Deeds” social investment program. Thanks to the company's support in 2020 year in 13 cities of Russia will be brought to life 111 projects.

Entered the competition in Dzerzhinsk 35 applications. Seven organizations and institutions won the competition, including: Inclusive Triathlon (NROO INVATUR), “Okskyi ParaFest 2020" (ParaPlan), Dzerzhinsky Polytechnic Institute (branch of NSTU named after R.E.. Alekseeva), Sports and recreation complex, Social and leisure center for children and youth “Constellation” – and others.

The full list of winning projects in the competition in Dzerzhinsk is published on the official website of the Formula of Good Deeds program.

The priority of the “Formula of Good Deeds” program is 2020 year – development of digital technologies in the social sphere. SIBUR supports projects, which involve the use of modern technologies and methods, and also contribute to their implementation in the regions where the company operates. This approach corresponds to the process of digital transformation of production, which has been successfully running at SIBUR for several years.

– This grant competition became the fifth in the history of the “Formula of Good Deeds” program. During this time, hundreds of projects of various subjects and scales have been implemented.. Они внесли значительный вклад в социально-экономическое развитие регионов присутствия компании. AND, что еще более важно, благодаря конкурсу сформировались активные сообщества. Их участники разрабатывают и реализуют проекты, ведущие к качественным позитивным изменениям социальной среды. Мы благодарим всех участников конкурса и надеемся на продуктивное сотрудничество с победителями в 2020 year, – отметил Станислав Каспаров, директор обеспечения поддержки бизнеса в регионах присутствия СИБУРа.

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