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From personal file! Bochcha

Within the framework of the interregional competition of project initiatives” Personal file 2021″ активной мамой Волгиной Еленой был написан проект “Bochcha”, который вошел в число победителей. Благодаря ему НРООИ «Инватур» получит новый набор мячей для тренировок и соревнований по бочча. This will allow more people to become involved in this sport., and also replenish inventory, out of order during training. Жёсткий кейс поможет сохранить мячи в надлежащей форме.

The interregional competition for project initiatives "EXCELLENT BUSINESS 2021" was organized within the framework of the project "The initiative is realizable. Selection of regions of the Volga Federal District, which was developed by the Nizhny Novgorod Association of NGOs "Service" - the winner of the competition at the invitation of the "School of Philanthropy" of the "Effective Philanthropy" program of the Vladimir Potanin Charitable Foundation. Projects are implemented in partnership with members of the network of resource centers of SO NPOs of the Volga Federal District.
