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Open City Cup bocce

25 June 2019. as part of the development of adaptive sports in the Nizhny Novgorod region in the city of Dzerzhinsk, на площадке в парке «Радуга» состоялся Открытый городской Кубок города Дзержинск по бочча среди лиц с ПОДА. На соревнованиях присутствовали спортсмены города Нижнего Новгорода, Chkalovsk, Dzerzhinsk, а также приехали наши соседи из города Ковров Владимирской области..

Boccia is a sport, which develops accuracy in people with disabilities, enables them to move and develop as a professional athlete, moving towards the paralympics, Besides, he raises their self-esteem. Through the game guys, whose needs are limited, get social experience, meet new people, broaden their horizons, feel the joy of movement.

Athletes step on each other's "heels", showing off your new practiced throws. Competition was present on all courts. Соревнования прошли как в личном в классе ВС-3, and in the team standings. Athletes have shown excellent results, the strongest took prizes and were awarded medals, certificates and prizes.

В соревнованиях от Нижнего Новгорода приняли участие 3 commands.

В личном зачёте в классе ВС3 золото- Konovalov Ivan (Nizhny Novgorod).

Team games were held among amateurs. Третье место заняла команды города Нижнего Новгорода в составе – Волгина Николая, Ильина Ивана и Сапелкина Андрея.

It was a very important day for our city, for NROOI INVATUR, for all of us! Всем спасибо за участие и организацию соревнований организации ПараПлан.

Good luck and success in further competitions.

Always go ahead and never give up!
