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International Day for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

International Day for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities





Every year the world community celebrates 5 may International Day for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

This date dates back to 1992 of the year, when on this day people with disabilities are at the same time 17 European countries held a day of struggle for the observance of the equal rights of persons with disabilities and against discrimination against people with physical, mental or sensory limitations. Since that time, such events have become traditional and are also held 5 may.

The purpose of today's date is to draw the attention of the general public to the problems, related to the protection of the rights of people with disabilities, it's obvious, that their employment rights, accessible education and infrastructure are often not respected even in economically developed countries.

NROOI “Invatur” does a great job to protect the constitutional rights of people with disabilities. More than 200 appeals, including on the issues of ensuring the availability of residential premises and social infrastructure facilities, provision of modern technical means of rehabilitation and medicines. It should be noted that people with disabilities themselves and their family members are increasingly active in defending their rights., desire to live active, busy life.

NROOI “Invatur” implements in 2021 g. social project “School of active life”, supported by the Presidential Grants Fund.

