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Hope Cup 2024.

The interregional tournament “Chess without Borders” for people with disabilities is being held in Nizhny Novgorod as part of the All-Russian chess festival “Cup of Hope - 2024”.

(Organizer - Chess Federation of the Nizhny Novgorod Region). The tournament is held 15 August 2024 g. on the basis of the Nizhny Novgorod stadium at: Nizhny Novgorod Region, g. Nizhny Novgorod, str. Betancourt, building 1A (7-her gate).

Registration of participants - 15 August from 15:00 to 15:45. Opening of the tournament 16:00. Closing of the competition - in 19:00.

Chess players with disabilities take part in competitions.

Transportation costs to the venue of the competition at the expense of the sending organizations or the athlete.

Pre-registration until 24 hours (MSC) 10 August 2024 g. Lists of participants are sent to the email address: and duplicated at

More detailed information can be obtained from Nadezhda Zabegina +79503743778.

Participants, those who did not register within the specified period, may be included by decision of the chief judge from the 2nd round (in the first round such a participant is given a minus).

Depending on the number of participants, competitions are held according to the Swiss system in 5 rounds or round-robin tournament.

Competitions are held according to the FIDE rules for rapid chess.

Time control 10 minutes until the end of the game with the addition of 5 seconds for each move, starting from the first move, each participant.

Chief judge of the competition - Fedenko Maxim Anatolyevich.

Regulations_Chess without borders_KN-2024_Ministry of Sports NO.pdf
