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Another judgment in favor of a family with a disabled child

The Judicial Collegium for Civil Cases of the Nizhny Novgorod Regional Court overturned the decision of the Prioksky District Court of the city of Nizhny Novgorod from 13 January 2021 years on the refusal of a claim for the provision of housing under a social rental agreement out of turn.

Guided by the article 328 Code of Civil Procedure, The panel of judges determined:

The court decision states : "Recognize Plaintiffs' right to receive housing under a social tenancy agreement out of turn".

A family, raising a child with a disability, wheelchair user, обратилась за правовой помощью в Инватур. Специалисты организации в августе 2020 g. went to the house, where does the family live, examined, drew up an act, which lawyer Andrey Chistov, together with the statement of claim, submitted to the court.
The decision of the first instance court was not in favor of the plaintiff, but the appellate instance ruled “To impose on the administration of the city of Nizhny Novgorod the obligation to provide the Plaintiffs out of turn under the social tenancy agreement with a separate comfortable living quarters, suitable for a disabled child, using a wheelchair for movement, located within the city of Nizhny Novgorod, meeting the established sanitary and technical requirements, for living quarters "
We remind, что недавно Кстовский городской суд Нижегородской области удовлетворил иск к администрации Кстовского муниципального района об обязании предоставить жилое помещение сироте с инвалидностью. Legal assistance was also provided by Andrey Chistov.
NROOI "Invatur" is implementing the project "School of Active Life", supported by the Presidential Grants Fund. Among the tasks to be solved is ensuring the availability of housing for people with disabilities., a necessary condition for their socialization