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Experts from St. Petersburg assessed the availability of tourism in Nizhny Novgorod

Nizhny Novgorod 02 may 2022 g. посетили эксперты по доступному туризму Natalya Демьяненко и Lana Берёзкина из Санкт-Петербурга.

Natalia - writer, постоянный автор журнала для слепоглухих «Ваш собеседник». Она не видит и не слышит уже много лет, moves in a wheelchair, but this does not prevent her from leading a bright and eventful life., travel. Подробнее о Наташе вы можете послушать в файловом архиве передачи «Зрячее сердце» радио РАНСиС Свои путевые заметки Наталья публикует в социальной сети ВКонтакте в группе #Expert Council, in which she is one of the administrators.

Lana also has hearing and vision impairments.. Navigates the city very well, but in the twilight she almost does not see. On the trip, Lana was Natasha's typhlo-sign language interpreter. They communicate with each other with the help of dactylology - communication occurs through the fingers..
The guests walked along Rozhdestvenskaya street, where the secret of the salt scam was revealed, walked in the footsteps of Lewis Carroll himself and presented the life of the inhabitants of previous eras.
Then the guests went to Strelka, to feel its atmosphere in the rays of the setting sun, take a walk by the river. Of course, and ring the mini bells, that stand near the Cathedral of Alexander Nevsky!
Natalia and Lana are celebrating, that our city is very beautiful, but not everyone was able to visit, because so far not everywhere is available for them to visit certain places. That's just how they are, as tourism accessibility experts, and tested the hiking trails of our city!

NROOI "Invatur" implements the project "Available. Hospitably" with the support of "Team 800", aimed at increasing the tourist attractiveness of the city of Nizhny Novgorod