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Social project “Nizhny Novgorod Region. Affordable hospitality” started in the region

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Social project “Nizhny Novgorod Region. Affordable hospitality” started in the region.

According to the press service of the governor and the government of the Nizhny Novgorod region, 27 August activists of a public organization “Invatur” and employees of the office of the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Nizhny Novgorod Region tested the main tourist attraction of the regional center - the Kremlin - in terms of its accessibility for tourists with disabilities.

The result of an unusual tour was a meeting of its participants with the Deputy Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, Andrei Betin, который рассказал о планах регионального правительства по созданию современной туристической инфраструктуры и выслушал предложения по формированию безбарьерной среды территории Кремля.

“The regional government seeks to make the space of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin as accessible as possible for any resident of our region, our country and foreign tourists. Moms with prams should feel comfortable here, and representatives of the older generation, and people with disabilities. It is important to create a barrier-free environment, so that every visitor to the Kremlin can get to any of his corner, get acquainted with the rich history of the region, полюбоваться фантастически красивыми заволжскими видами. Сейчас идет работа над созданием концепции реконструкции территории Кремля, which will be held public discussions. Предложения жителей, including representatives of mobility groups, will definitely be taken into account”, – said Andrei Betin.

The tour took place as part of a social project “Nizhny Novgorod Region. Affordable hospitality”, providing for the organization of a cycle of excursions for people with limited mobility. Project, developed by the NRA “Invatur” and the regional ombudsman, summer 2019 year received a subsidy from the Nizhny Novgorod regional budget. A visit to the Kremlin was a kind of presentation of the project. Further, thanks to the help of the regional government, travel geography will be significantly expanded.

The first tour of the project “Affordable hospitality” предусматривала проезд от Дмитриевской башни Кремля через выставку “Gorky - to the front” и Собор Михаила Архангела к площади Вечного огня.

“Thanks to activists of public organizations, bringing people with disabilities together, the city is transforming, becomes more convenient and comfortable. Аппарат Уполномоченного этим летом поддержал инициативы по общественным проверкам организации парковочного пространства у лечебных учреждений, on the equipment of pedestrian crossings at places of attraction for visually impaired citizens. As a result, issues on creating a barrier-free environment at the most problematic points are resolved.”, – сказала заместитель регионального уполномоченного по правам человека Елена Барышникова.

While traveling around the Kremlin, a group “special” tourists were accompanied by a professional guide and employees of the Nizhny Novgorod Oblast Government Administration. Besides, wheelchairs themselves were able to test the ramps, footpaths, navigation system.

The tour ended at the exhibition complex “Arsenal” watching the winning films of the festival “Cinema without borders”. Weekly Charity Movie Show, that took place all summer 2019 of the year, also an important element in creating a barrier-free environment.

27.08.2019 NTA-Volga region
