Menu Close 28 August 2020

Near 900 social projects, created to fight the coronavirus, will receive grants from the president. For this, additional 3 billion rubles. In general, this year alone, more than 5 thousand public organizations.

No one in Chelyabinsk should go to bed hungry. This is the slogan “Bus of life”. All week he travels from one district of the capital of the South Urals to another, gathers those, who has had a very difficult time in life.

Bus, which can help, – project of Chelyabinsk public figures. Last year, he was among the top 100 in the presidential grant competition. And inspired its creators to new ideas.

“We want to launch a project on a larger scale. “Medical volunteers”. То есть это сопровождение тех людей, which we place in medical institutions“, – says the deputy director of ANO “A life” Elena Tselishcheva.

Help your neighbor, support talents, preserve nature, historical memory, culture. Ideas, with which you can contact the Presidential Grants Fund. And get support. For six months, the Foundation has already held two competitions. On that, to bring your projects to life, public figures received record money – nearly 9 billion rubles. And now summing up the results of the third.

President added 3 billion to special projects this year, dedicated to the fight against coronavirus infection. This is the support of the older generation, people with disabilities, serious illnesses, individual projects to support doctors. In total, we have distributed almost 11 billion rubles and supported 5319 non-profit organizations. Also an unprecedented volume“, – said the first deputy head of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation Sergey Kirienko.

Work is always in full swing in this workshop. The Nizhny Novgorod organization of disabled people created an artel thanks to a presidential grant.

“The employer sees, that people with disabilities have great potential. Then, that they can be trusted with modern equipment and they are quite competitive“, – said the chairman of the Nizhny Novgorod regional public organization of disabled people “Invatur”.

The citizens of Nizhny Novgorod went to the new competition with the idea of ​​competition for those, who are not used to seeing on sports grounds.

Everything has already worked out in Kaliningrad. “Children of the Sun” здесь танцуют, doing fitness. And the main thing – such lessons cost nothing to parents.

Such children, I consider, that they are trusted by their parents. And all, what are we doing, we do for them, attracting government assistance“, – said the chairman of the KROO council “Under one sun” Maria Lerman.

The state will continue to help. Already 1 September, the Presidential Grants Fund starts accepting applications for a new competition. Its winners will be able to receive money in January. The total amount will be added 3 billion. They will be distributed at regional competitions. Which means, there will be more of those, Who, changing life around you, changes the life of a big country.

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