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ARTtel at the congress

In Nizhniy Novgorod 06 april 2021 year, the VI Regional Congress of socially oriented non-profit organizations of the Nizhny Novgorod region "Together!», which was attended by more 100 SONCO representatives. An exhibition of products was presented in the foyer, manufactured in the training and production workshop "ARTel" organization "Invatur". Rehabilitation products were presented to the attention of visitors, tactile icons, souvenir mugs and magnets with Nizhny Novgorod symbols, mouse pads. Eco-tableware aroused particular interest, made of fine wood.
This year, NROOI "Invatur" is implementing a project “Work for everyone” under subprogramme “Support for socially oriented non-profit organizations in the Nizhny Novgorod region”: purchased new equipment, expanded range of technologies for training.
The participants of the event were able to see, that people with disabilities can successfully master modern technologies, compete successfully in the labor market.