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3 December - International Day of Persons with Disabilities

Ежегодно во всем мире 3 декабря отмечается Международный день инвалидов в соответствии с resolution 47/3 Генеральной Ассамблеи от 14 October 1992 of the year. Its goal is to promote the rights of people with disabilities in all spheres of public life., as well as raising awareness of the general public about the problems of people with disabilities.

People with disabilities are people with impairments to one or more bodily functions; these violations limit their possibilities (it can be congenital or acquired physical disabilities, hearing impairment, of view, mental illness, as well as various types of chronic diseases).

People with disabilities face discrimination and barriers, which prevent them from participating fully and on an equal basis with others in the daily life of society. These barriers can take many forms., concerning, physical environment, legislation, politicians, public relations or discrimination. They are denied the right to study in educational institutions, get a decent job, wheelchair users have difficulty moving freely, children with disabilities are almost four times more likely to be abused, than their healthy peers.

It is hard for ordinary people to imagine, how difficult it is to live, who was deprived of health by nature or chance. The celebration of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities aims to draw public attention to the problems of persons with disabilities, protecting their dignity, rights and welfare, full and equal respect for human rights and participation of persons with disabilities in the life of society.

Принятие Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in 2006 году стало логическим продолжением многолетней работы ООН в этой области. Principles of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities have successfully entered life:

  1. Respect for the dignity and independence of the person with disabilities.
  2. Non-discrimination.
  3. Full involvement of wheelchair users in society.
  4. Respect for the characteristics of people with limited mobility, accepting them in the form of human diversity.
  5. Uniting the possibilities of all people.
  6. Respect for the developing disabled child.

Повестка дня в области устойчивого развития до 2030 of the year, and a number of major global development strategies provide a framework to further advance the rights of persons with disabilities.

Every year, International Day of Persons with Disabilities is dedicated to a specific theme.

Тема дня 2020 of the year: Towards an inclusive and disability-inclusive post-pandemic world

The inclusion of people with disabilities in society is one of the most important conditions for ensuring human rights, achieving sustainable development, establishing peace and security. Это также является одной из главных задач Повестки дня в области устойчивого развития на период до 2030 of the year. Protecting the rights of persons with disabilities is not just a matter of equity, but also a contribution to our common future.

Global COVID-19 Crisis Reveals Global Inequality and Exclusion, highlighting, that working to integrate people with disabilities is our most important task. People with disabilities - there are about one billion people in the world - are one of the most marginalized groups in our society, most affected by the pandemic.

Even under normal circumstances, people with disabilities are less likely to access health care, education, employment and community participation. To ensure that, so that disabled people do not stand aside, comprehensive measures are needed.

Integration of people with disabilities will serve the interests of the whole society. It will help us cope with the pandemic and get back to normal.. This will allow us to create more flexible systems., able to react to difficult situations, with the provision of assistance primarily to the most needy groups of the population.

Figures and facts

  • Сегодня во всем мире живет 7 миллиардов человек.
  • More 1 миллиарда человек в мире имеют ту или иную форму инвалидности, and this is every seventh.
  • More 100 million disabled children.
  • Children with disabilities are almost four times more likely to be abused, than healthy children.
  • 80% всех людей с ограниченными возможностями проживают в развивающихся странах.
  • 50% инвалидов не могут позволить себе услуги в области здравоохранения.
  • 160 стран подписали Конвенцию о правах инвалидов.

Inclusive society and development

Facts and experience show, that when all barriers are removed, persons with disabilities have the right to participate fully in society, bringing him quite tangible benefits. Thus, barriers to people with disabilities are detrimental to society as a whole, and the element of accessibility is an integral part of progress and development.

The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities recognizes, that barriers are central to disability. According to the Convention, the concept of disability evolves “as people with disabilities overcome various behavioral and environmental barriers, which hinder their full and effective participation in the life of society on an equal basis with others ".

Accessibility and Integration - Fundamental Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which are enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, are not only goals, but also the prerequisites for the exercise of other rights. Convention (articles 9, availability) seeks to empower people with disabilities to lead an independent lifestyle and take an active part in all aspects of life and development of society. It calls on participating States to take appropriate measures to ensure that, that persons with disabilities have access to all aspects of society on an equal basis with others, as well as to identify and remove obstacles and barriers.

Statistics in Russia

According to Rosstat, in 2020 g. общая численность инвалидов всех групп в России составляет 11 875 000 man (примерно 8,1% от всего населения страны), including 688 000 disabled children.

They all face physical, socioeconomic and behavioral barriers, which exclude them from equal participation in society, and they also lack equal access to basic resources, such as education, employment, healthcare and social and legal support system.

Official indicators (октябрь 2020)

Noted, что с 2012 by 2020 количество инвалидов в России уменьшилось. Such changes are associated with improving the quality of medicine., working conditions and general living standards.


Social protection and benefits

People with disabilities are eligible for monthly cash compensation. Their amount differs depending on the category of disability *. Social payments are also provided. They are paid:

  • пенсионный фонд РФ;
  • executive agencies.

There are three types of benefits:

  • disability insurance benefits;
  • for state pensions;
  • social.

*Disability categories

There are several categories of disability, they are based on different criteria. In Russia, the following types are best known, which are distinguished by the degree of loss of working capacity:

  • 1 - completely disabled.
  • 2 - partially or temporarily disabled.
  • 3 - able to work in sparing working conditions.

Люди с 1 группой лишены возможности самообслуживания. They are dependent on others and need care. Movement is possible only with someone else's help. Communication with others is difficult, possible lack of control of behavior.

Лица 2 groups утратили возможность самообслуживания лишь частично: they can move and perform certain actions with the help of others or using special devices. Disability partially lost. A person can do some work, but needs special conditions.

Для 3 groups характерно самостоятельное обслуживание своих потребностей с помощью вспомогательных средств. They move on their own, but slower and shorter distances. Training is possible only in a special mode. Such people are able to work by profession., not requiring qualifications and in a smaller volume.

Social pension

All disabled Russians have the right to a social pension with a fixed amount. Пособие по инвалидности на 2020 год составляет:

  • 1 группа — 18 909 рубль.
  • 2 группа — 15 411 рубля, инвалиды с детства — 11 618 rubles.
  • 3 группа — 13 614 рубль.

Минимальная пенсия по инвалидности составляет 4 491 рубль, however, the ratio may increase depending on the region.


Depending on the category, disabled persons are entitled to various social benefits.. The main benefits include reduced or completely free travel, partial or completely free medical care, increased scholarships while studying.
