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Parking at Strigino Airport


The new parking system at the Nizhny Novgorod airport has been operating since November 2013 of the year. In accordance with the established rules, the free parking time of the car is 15 minutes.

What to do, if the passenger is a wheelchair user, which takes much more time to land and land, or blind, which must be escorted to the check-in desk.

To resolve such issues at the entrance to the barrier, you must press the communication button on the terminal and wait for the parking employee, who will check the availability of a certificate of disability and a passport.

You can drop off a person with a disability near the entrance, but if you need to go to the terminal room, the car should be moved to the parking lot.

When leaving the parking lot, the employee will verify the car number and open the barrier manually.

NROOI "Invatur" will continue to work with the airport administration to improve the availability of the service provided for people with limited mobility
