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Typical design solutions

Typical design solutions for the re-equipment of housing facilities for people with limited mobility are presented. These albums can be recommended for use in order to provide disabled people on an equal basis with others…

Will water transport become accessible?

On the initiative of the Nizhny Novgorod Transport Prosecutor's Office, an offsite working meeting of representatives of the Prosecutor's Office was held near the River Station building, Rospotrebnadzor and public associations of disabled people. Discussion - object availability…

Voters with disabilities

The website of the Electoral Commission of the Nizhny Novgorod Region provides information on the number of voters with disabilities. In the Nizhny Novgorod region, the total number of voters, disabled, on 01.07.2020 of the year is 283…

Attention, Vacancy!

Student Support Manager. The online Spanish Academy is looking for a Student Support Manager. About company: The Academy operates in the online education market with 2014 of the year. Work remotely,…
