In GBOU "Nizhny Novgorod Cadet Corps of the Volga Federal District named after General Margelov VF Army" 24 января прошло тестирование по спортивному ориентированию на знание символов и условных…
Nizhny Novgorod region 23-24 January 2020 year on a working visit to the Russian Public Chamber Commission on Housing, строительству и дорогам во главе с председателем Игорем Шпектором. Participation…
"Beautifully atoms Agreed" - is the name of the song is not, and events, past 21 January 2020 at the Information Center for Nuclear Energy. Участники — представители общественности,…
In the office NROOI "Invatur" (Nizhny Novgorod, ul.Vasiliya Ivanova, 15) 1 and 2 February 2020 g. состоятся организационные собрания для посещающих и желающих посещать спортивные клубы…
In this mysterious feast heartily wish to raise his eyes to the night sky and think about the most coveted and secret. It will come true, it is no wonder they say, что накануне Крещения Господня…
26 January 2020 have been held city competition of Nizhny Novgorod "New Starts" checkers, dartsu and Nardo (long backgammon) among persons with lesions of the musculoskeletal system by…
12 January 2020 in the framework of the development of sports in the Nizhny Novgorod Region held city chess tournament among people with the submitted. The tournament was held within the walls of the NROOI…
In Nizhniy Novgorod 12 January 2020 It has been held city tournament chess "White Horse" from the hearth among individuals. Venue g. Nizhny Novgorod, str. Vasily…
Dear friends! May this New Year be knocking on your door fairy tale, and your life will be filled with wonders! Пусть каждый день судьба преподносит вам все новые…
Requires representative. Disability 2 – 3 groups. responsibilities: trips on business organizations, Various features porucheniya.Zhelaemye employee: loyalty, stress resistance, benevolence, позитивность.Оплата сдельная.________________________________________________________Если вас заинтересовала данная вакансия…