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Work for everyone

Project Description

The project aims to involve people with disabilities in active work.

Предусмотрено проведение обучающих занятий для молодых людей с инвалидностью навыкам работы на современном технологическом оборудовании для изготовления продукции на термооборудовании, 3-Printer, CNC machine, programmable embroidery machine, laser engraving machine. This equipment is available in the training and production workshop "ARTEL", created in NROOI "Invatur".

Manufactured products (tactile icons from wood, technical means of rehabilitation, souvenirs, etc.) will be shown to potential employers. To attract public attention, 8 social videos about people with disabilities, who have achieved significant success in their professional activities. The video will be posted on the Internet, transferred to the institutions of the employment service, public organizations.

Project implementation will strengthen government interaction, public organizations in the field of employment of people with disabilities
