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For Independent Living

Project Description

The project is funded by state support., allocated as a grant in accordance with the order of the President of the Russian Federation from 30 June 2007 year 367-rp.

NROOI “Invatur” implements the project “For Independent Living”, funded by state support, allocated as a grant in accordance with the order of the President of the Russian Federation from 30 June 2007 year 367-rp.

Проект направлен на создание Центра для социальной реабилитации инвалидов-колясочников и других категорий инвалидовCenter for Independent Living (Further – CNS). This Center will use in its work the principles of an integrated approach to understanding disability, carrying out activities, aimed at socio-psychological adaptation, providing the opportunity to realize the personal potential of a disabled person, its integration into society; as well as vocational rehabilitation, learning disability social independence, formation of skills of independent living.

The work of the IJC is based on, that people with disabilities, thanks to its unique experience, much more competent in disability issues and therefore can work more effectively with people, having a disability. People with disabilities should themselves directly participate in the work of the Center and be its employees on an equal basis with other specialists.. Other organizations will be involved in the work of the Center., bringing together parents of children with disabilities, young disabled.

The goal of the IJC is not only the physical and psychological rehabilitation of wheelchair users, but also creating jobs for them. В рамках ЦНЖ планируется организовать деятельность следующих направлений:

  • occupational therapy service (adaptation of the environment to human life with disabilities);
  • psychological support;
  • organization of a workshop for rental and repair of equipment;
  • legal aid;
  • outreach.